Generation Wellness:

Announcements, Resources, and Spotlights

[TED TALK] Mindfulness and Neural Integration brain mind mindfulness reflection relationships resiliency

"When you give in service to other people, you end up being happier yourself." 

Daniel Siegel, MD, is Clinical Professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Co-Director of Mindful Awareness Research Center, Executive Director of Mindsight Institute, author, and recipient of numerous awards and honorary...

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[STAFF SPOTLIGHT] How to Infuse Self-Regulation into Every Classroom with Sabrina Castro regulation stations self-regulation spotlight staff

Does this quote strike a nerve? 

"Dysregulated students will not learn." - Bruce Perry, Author + Researcher

It's true. It's neuroscience. And, over the past decade, we've learned a considerable amount about how stress and trauma affects the brain and body. Now the question becomes what are we...

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[Article] Social-Emotional Learning Has Long-Lasting Positive Effects on Students article social/emotional learning

[Source: Education Week]

Programs that teach students how to recognize their emotions, solve problems, and form healthy relationships may continue to show positive benefits for students months, or even years, after they complete them, a new meta-analysis finds. 

Students who...

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